A wonderfully exhilarating, enormously satisfying job when you finally get the hang of it, but a job nonetheless. ED's latest goes beyond the standard definition of "simulation," and instead, in many ways, feels like a job. Truth is that anyone not already indoctrinated to the world of the hardcore flight sim – and even many that are – will find it nothing short of "work." That's right – work. To say that A10C makes old school flight sims such as the rightfully esteemed Falcon 4.0 seem, in many ways, like a "game," is not overstating the realties.

#A 10 warthog pc game series
The "DCS" stands for " Digital Combat Simulator," and like the one and only prior game in the DCS series (2009's helicopter junket DCS: Black Shark) and indeed all earlier ED titles, "simulator" means just that – a rivet by rivet, blow by blow, second by second hyper-authentic journey into the incredible minutiae normally reserved only for real life pilots. But if it's intricacy you want, if painstaking attention to detail is your nirvana, and if you fancy yourself able to digest and execute, in perfect symmetry, each and every operation involved in starting, launching, flying, taking into battle, and eventually landing what is arguably the most comprehensive virtual portrayal ever devised of a modern warplane, look no further than Eagle Dynamics' exhaustive DCS: A10C Warthog, one of precious few serious flight sims in the modern gaming landscape. Fortunately for all of us, pancake-making has not been sim-ified. Of course, it would also force you to fend off marauding chefs, each wanting nothing more than to shoot you down with a well-aimed barrage of eggs. And make no mistake – this kitchen would be the most complex kitchen one could possibly dream up. In addition to all of the above, it would also ask you to mill your own flour, forge your own frying pan, and then micro-analyze every single facet of your virtual kitchen before and while you're cooking to ensure something does not go awry along the way. If DCS: A10C Warthog were a simulation of, say, pancake making, it would not merely ask that you combine the proper ingredients, place the resulting batter in a correctly pre-heated frying pan, and cook for the desired time limit.